Owen white

An overview of the HMP project, from the director/PI of the DAAC.

Human microbiome project(HMP)  data analysis and coordination centre(DACC)

hmpdacc.com is the central website, with lots of great information. It’s the premier site for research on the human microbiome, dpGAP has controlled information on volunteers. All the strains have been stored at BEI. There will be a tutorial later today by BEI on how to store and access this data. Data is also available at NCBI. MG RAST is anouther tool.

I’m very impressed by how coordinated the effort to understanding the HMP is. It’s a great achievement and a fantastic foundation for further knowledge. He talks about using cloud computing instead of typical direct central storage, I guess it’s like bittorrent for processing data. It would mean more computational power is available, and multiple interfaces can come at this data.



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